Society of theriogenology objectives
- To promote scientific knowledge in the discipline of Animal Reproduction and Theriogenology and their application in teaching, research and extension.
- To organize meetings, symposia, seminars, lectures, clinical workshops and conferences for knowledge pooling supported by technical publications and trainings etc.
- To foster interaction among scientists and field veterinarians in promoting advancement of the profession in the interest of public services.
- Establish and promote standards of excellence
- Provide a variety of forums to disseminate emerging information to veterinarians and students
- Serve as a global resource for scientific exchange
- Foster client education and awareness
- Encourage a network for collegial exchange
Constitution of the Society for Theriogenology and Reproductive Medicine
If any provision of the Constitution or By-laws or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, this invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Constitution, or By-laws which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this end the provisions of the Constitution or By-laws are declared severable.
SECTION A: This society shall be recognized as the Society for Theriogenology and Reproductive Medicine.
SECTION B: It shall operate as a purely scientific, non-profit, tax-exempted as per the rules and regulations of the State.
SFTRM is a non-profitable society for professionals aimed at educating and propagating the knowledge of reproduction and reproductive medicine to researchers, veterinarians and animal scientists. The society has special emphasis on the identification of reproduction-related problems and their solution through research, training workshop and symposium backed by extension services. It will support innovation in artificial insemination, embryo transfer and other aspects of reproduction in domestic animals. The society will foster and provide platform for cooperation and collaboration with other societies and organizations, and will also provide leadership in veterinary reproductive management and medicine for all species.
SECTION A: General Membership: The general membership, also known as the active membership, shall comprise individuals who have gained a professional degree in veterinary medicine or Animal Science from a Faculty/College of Animal Husbandry and veterinary medicine/Sciences.
SECTION B: Other classifications of membership shall be decided by the Board of Directors as agreed upon in the By-Laws.
SECTION I: The general matters of this Society shall be managed by a maximum of ten (10) member veterinarians/animal scientists who shall be the Board of Directors. There shall be one (01) member from each of the five (5) regions of the Society, plus the Founder, President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer for a total of ten (10) Board members. Moreover, there shall be one (01), the Editor of the Society Newsletter. The Board shall reveal the general membership with careful thought given to topographical and species specialty distribution.
SECTION II: The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of this Society and shall have total custody of all property, assets and contracted non-member employees.
SECTION III: Formation of native and related chapters of the Society may be sanctioned by the Board of Directors.
SECTION IV: The undertakings and decisions of the Board shall be conveyed to the General Membership at the annual meeting.
SECTION I: The personnel carrying out duties affecting the whole Society shall comprise a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
SECTION II: The entitlement, responsibilities of duration and mode of election shall be set in the By-laws.
SECTION I: A “Meeting” shall be defined as the membership set up according to the provisions set forth in the By-laws.
SECTION II: The time, place, kind, and purpose of such meeting shall be described in the By-laws.
SECTION I: Suggested legal amendments must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors, which in turn may authorize the proposals for presentation to the general membership at least a month before a regular meeting at which time action is to be taken. However, if the Board refuse to accept the proposed amendments, the presenting member may secure signatures of ten percent (10%) of the general membership and upon resubmission of the proposal, the Board shall present the proposal to the general membership.
SECTION II: This Constitution may be amended only by a majority vote of general membership present at a regular meeting of the Society or by written mail ballot after prior written notice of not less than a month.
SECTION III: Amendments finally approved shall be published within a couple of months following their acceptance and shall become a part of the printed constitution thereafter.
SECTION I: Dissolution of the Society for Theriogenology and Reproductive Medicine shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives detailed in the By-laws. In the dissolution of the Society, any funds remaining shall be circulated to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable educational,
scientific, or humanitarian organizations to be selected by the Board of Directors.